Educating Young Christians To Impact The World
Meet the Staff
Teachers - All of PGA teachers meet one of the following requirements.
* Three or more years of public and/or private school teaching
* Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in subjects taught
* Baccalaureate Degree or Higher
Elementary Staff
Kindergarten/ First Grade Ms. Joseph
2nd Grade Ms. House
3rd Grade Ms. House
4/5th Grade Mr. Payne
6/7th Grade Ms. Hampton
Middle & High School Staff
Language Arts Ms. Coombs
Math Teacher Ms. Walton
U.S. History Teacher Mr. Robinson
Science Teacher Mr. Robinson
PE Teacher Mr. Lennon
Admin Staff
Security Mr. S. Smith
Security Mr. McMorris
Computer Tech Mr. B. Smith
Admin Secretary/Registrar Mrs. McMorris
Bookkeeper Ms. Henderson
Principal Mr. A. Bolden
Director Mrs. F. Bolden
Facilities Mr. B. Bolden